Thursday, February 14, 2008

Still Here!

I know I have been woefully inattentive of my blogging audience, but I'll tell you the straight truth--I got a life.

I got hooked into the expat network, and after weeks of struggling with Spanish, I let my withering English skills out of the dungeon and haven't stopped talking since.

I had an idealistic notion of quickly learning Spanish, meeting many lovely new people, and integrating to Mexican culture in a myriad of ways. However, it's just not that simple. Now I'm on the slow and realistic track of managing things day by day, and not getting too upset about anything, if I can help it.

One new adventure I've undertaken is painting classes. I've taken some photos of my work and that of the other women in my class. Consider this a promise to create another blog entry soon...


John Merland said...

I shall consider it a promise. I am so glad to see you wrote something on the blog...

Know that we are all missing you and your family back here in Mpls.

KD said...

I am holding you to it... So, glad to hear from you! Glad to hear you got a life :-) Kinda always thought you had one, but now I am going to keep checking in to see how well you are updating your blog. Tell the family hello. Miss you all!
