Anyone who knows me knows that I love a bargain. Our friends Dona and Gerald took us all to the nearby town of Arteaga yesterday to see the flea market, and I was in my element. The wares range from hideous plastic toys (think the Dollar Store) to costume jewelry, clothing, tchotchkes, and amazing handcrafts. My very favorite item that came home with us was indeed handmade. Claire picked up this lovely Mexican wrestling ring for 30 pesos. That's less than $3!! Prepare for some interesting gifts when Christmas rolls around!
This is great... It looks like what my nephew got for Halloween one year when the guy across the street from us ran out of candy.
This reminds me of my years battling evil in the octagon!
Dude! That's awesome. Flea marketing, is a great thing--may the thrifting/junk store/flea market gods be with you always!
The uniforms are unstoppable.
Hope you keep this blog going--would love to keep informed of all things south of the border.
Take care of yourself--say hi to Lisa and the kids!
Ca$h Money
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